"Suga Suga" is produced by New York Film Academy graduate and budding movie producer, Louiza Williams. Directed by Richard Omos Iboyi and Executively produced by Festus Ehimare (Emperor Geezy).
Filming and post-production was rounded up in early 2021 .
Suga Suga is a romantic comedy centered around the family of a wealthy billionaire whose lust for young girls tears his family apart on the one hand and also an intelligent young man who after failing to get a job with his driving school certificate, decides to disguise and work as a maid in the billionaire's mansion.
The movie has lots of twists and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seats while tickling your funny bone the entire time. It's a great movie that can be enjoyed by the entire family, it should definitely make your list of must-watch movies for 2021.
Amazing talents to watch---Taiwo Obileye, Charles Inojie , Ayo Adesanya, and heavy hitters Wole Ojo, Gregory Ojefua, Tana Adelana, Vivian Anani, Christian Paul.