Notice...*Next year will mark 18 years since the release of 'Minority Report' - a film that accurately predicted the #tech of today#. From retina scanners to robots, my latest blog takes a look at how technology is depicted on the big screen--Mike Lamb

Mike Lamb said;

 find it hard to believe that this film was released in 2002. If it were a child, it would be celebrating its 18th birthday next year, driving a car and heading off to work or university. And yet, I’d be hard pressed to name a movie that has been so profoundly successful at portraying - and predicting - the technology of the future. 


Retina scanners, multi-touch interfaces and crime prediction software all feature heavily. The film is set in 2054 – a fair few years away yet - but its bleak depiction of a high-tech, big-brother-is-watching-you style society resonates a little too strongly with the present day. Especially in light of the questionable, unethical data harvesting to influence the Brexit referendum and US election results. 

Steven Spielberg, as a director, doesn’t do things by halves. He purportedly consulted with an expert team of philosophers, artists, architects and computer scientists to perfect the futuristic backdrop, claiming in an interview with film critic Roger Ebert that “I wanted all the toys to come true someday”. We might not have reached that point yet, but I’m in little doubt that we will - and soon.

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